Sunday, July 22, 2018

Nigeria: Winners’ Chapel declares 7 days fasting

Bishop David Oyedepo

The Living Faith Church International, also know as Winners’ Chapel, has declared a seven days of prayer and fasting, from July 23-29, 2018, “to rescue the terrorised soul of Nigeria”.

The President, Bishop David Oyedepo, made the announcement in a memo to all the commission’s mission stations on Sunday in Abuja.

Oyedepo said the decision was hinged on the “uncontrollable and persistent killings of fellow citizens across the country”.

He urged the congregation to partake on what he tagged as “operation rescue”in order not to become a victim to such attacks.

“All of us, who have eyes can see Nigeria requires divine intervention urgently to avert the looming catastrophe hanging over this nation.”

The Bishop said “a flood of evil is determined to work against the nation by the powers of darkness,” but God forbids that Christians would be found sleeping.

“Remember, in the days of Noah while people went about eating and drinking, getting married, and giving in marriage, building houses, planting vineyards and so forth, they did not know when suddenly the flood came and flushed them all away.

“May the days of Noah not repeat itself in our days,” he prayed.

He said the scriptures had stated that anyime we were besieged by the forces of evil and mapped out for destruction, we were required to turn to the Lord in prayer and fasting to secure the desired victory.

According to him, there is a place for congregational prayer and fasting in winning the war against our nation.

“For example, Judah in the days of Jehoshaphat was besieged by the armies of Moab, Ammon and Mount Seir, each of which was stronger than Judah.

“But King Jehoshaphat proclaimed a fast and God took over their battle, while the armies of the three nations that stood against Judah helped to destroy one another to the point that not ONE of them escaped,” he explained.

Oyedepo recalled that the disciples of Christ once asked Him why they could not cast out a particular demon and Jesus answered: “This kind goes not out but by prayer and fasting.

“We must expect answers to all our prayers all through these seven days of prayer and fasting, because we serve a prayer answering God,” he said.

He said that the programme would include a two hour daily intercessory prayer in the morning and one hour in the evening.

He urged his congregations and all Nigerians that desire the peace of the nation to engage in the prayer and fasting, for the rescue of nation.

“We should all expect our open rewards in return for our faithful engagement all through the course of this prayer and fasting season, both as individuals and as congregations,” he said.

The leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), had earlier declared a three-day National Day of Prayers and Fasting against the killings across the country.

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