Sunday, July 1, 2018

Another Sad Day In Nigeria On Jun 29-2018


Sir: It is Plateau today, who knows where tomorrow? The recent happenings in the nation makes it sad everyday being a Nigerian. In some other clime, the leaders of Miyetti Allah would have been docked by now.

I do not understand how a set of people would so bravely grant an interview, and boldly state that people were killed because cows were stolen. When I was small, I used to hear about how these marauders value cows more than human lives….I couldn’t wrap my head around such ideology, but now I understand.

Whilst our hearts are with the Plateau people, it is obvious that we have an extremely irresponsible government that quickly proscribed IPOB and declared it a terrorist organisation. Yet, an organisation that boldly came out to say people were killed because of cows parade themselves freely…they are above the law.

To fault the position of Miyetti Allah, stealing a cow, I mean just one cow, requires massive effort, skill and technical knowhow. A cow is not a chicken for goodness sake. A cow could kill, it possibly would attack a stranger trying to get it away…now to say freaking 300 cows were stolen is extremely unbelievable. I see two possibilities…

If the  cows were truly stolen, then they must have been stolen by people who are deeply experienced in handling them…definitely not farmers. This implies that the thieves are probably members of their own organisation. Possibly there was no stealing, an excuse may just be needed for either political, religious or ethnic cleansing.

This government has totally failed in the most critical functions. It has successfully supported the growth of terrorist organisation in Miyetti Allah. At this rate, Nigeria may cease to exist…and if that is what would stop the bloodletting, then so be it. Every region in the country today is capable of self dependence.

Let the cow lovers have their day, in a country of their own and worship cows if they want…but for us to continue together as a nation, these killings must stop!

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