Saturday, June 30, 2018

10 annoying female habits that drive guy's crazy.

Being in a relationship is an amazing experience, yet there comes a time when even the most patient, caring, and loving partner just loses his temper. Women usually don’t realize that some of the small, quirky habits they have actually drive men insane. And the deeper you explore various female habits that irritate men, the more issues come to light. Some of them are quite obvious like being late all the time, while others are much more subtle and can remain unnoticed by women for years. Men can tolerate a lot, but why don’t we try making their life at least a little bit easier? Especially when those men are our boyfriends and husbands. Here are 10 annoying female habits that drive guys crazy.

Being late all the time

Some people are just chronically late, no matter male or female. Nevertheless, girls tend to take more time preparing, especially when it comes to events like going to the movies or having that very special reservation at the restaurant you both have been dying to visit. And the more important the event, the more time you need to prepare! Being late is one of the most annoying habits that has destroyed thousands of relationships.

Stealing from his plate

Yes, some people actually hate that! Especially when we’re talking about that chocolate mousse dessert he’s been looking forward to munching by himself, but instead of ordering your own, you decide it would be okay to steal a few bites from his plate. And it’s never just a few bites, right ladies?

Being on the phone 24/7

Social media, friends, family, books, music, and even work – modern smartphones seem to contain our whole lives inside their small plastic bodies. Nevertheless, when you’re with your loved one, it’s always good to unplug and shift your focus to the person in front of you. It’s a matter of respect and, really, the world won’t end if you don’t check your e-mail for a few hours and just spend time with your boyfriend.

Rejecting compliments

It’s the thing with us girls – we’re trying so hard to look our best, but then for some reason can’t take it when other people actually acknowledge the fact we look awesome. If your boyfriend finds you gorgeous with disheveled hair and no makeup whatsoever, and decides to tell you about that – just take the compliment! There’s no need to find one thousand reasons why you simply can’t look beautiful wearing your PJs and reading glasses. He thinks you’re pretty and that’s all that matters.

Constantly being ‘fine’

Ok, ladies, we get it – speaking about your feelings is just as hard for women as it is for men. Just remember that guys can’t read minds, no matter how much they love their girlfriends. If something bugs you or makes you sad, find the courage to speak out and deal with the issue. Otherwise you won’t be happy and your boyfriend will be frustrated, guessing what might have gone wrong. It’s a recipe for disaster!

Being manipulative

Some girls do it on purpose, while others use these small tricks on a subconscious level. Either way, guys hate it when women try to manipulate them and usually see through all the techniques they are testing on them. Never flirt with another guy to make your boyfriend jealous or to prove a point – it’ll only make things worse. A guy in love will do anything for his woman, but don’t use that love as leverage to get the things you want or to go places he wouldn’t normally visit. Relationships are about respect and treating each other as equals!

Rearranging his things

Some women love order so much that they’re ready to clean and sort out everything, including his belongings. While it is certainly good to have order in the house, most men find it quite annoying if their things are touched without permission. It’s not about the things, really, but rather the fact that they can’t find anything after the clean-up. No matter how chaotic or disorderly his table looks, rest assured he knows perfectly well where he can find a minute piece of the Zippo lighter he’s been fixing for the last few months or a spare charger for your smartphone.

Complaining too much

We all have problems, co-workers we don’t get along with or bosses who are too pushy, yet this doesn’t mean we should complain about them 24/7. It’s true that our partners are there to support us, but too much negativity is bad for relationships and won’t make either you or your boyfriend happy. Maintaining a more positive attitude is healthy for relationships and will help you build a deeper bond with your partner. Psychologists confirm that in general men like kind-hearted girls more than they do mean and ironic ones.

Posing questions with no right answer

Most of the time we, ladies, don’t do this on purpose, but men certainly think we have some hidden agenda every time we ask ‘How do I look?’ or ‘Does this dress make me fat?’ These kinds of questions make guys sweat and lose their cool, not to mention that there is no right answer because everything depends on a girlfriend’s mood at the moment. It’s really putting men between a rock and a hard place!

Making him feel guilty for having other interests

It’s natural for people to have different hobbies. In fact, it’s even better when you and your boyfriend have separate interests that make you spend time apart. It’s good if your hobbies match, and it’s equally good if they don’t! You are two different personalities, so nagging him for wanting to watch a football game instead of hanging out with you will only harm your relationships. Guys are really annoyed when women try to limit their freedom in any way, especially when it comes to the things they love!

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